
Litter 22


Born 2019-05-25

Emerald Ruby Black Diamond Sapphire
NFO n 09 22 NFO a 09 24 NFO n NFO a 09 24
Female Male Female Male
Sold Sold Sold Sold
Photos Photos Photos Photos



1 Week

3 Weeks

5 Weeks

7,5 Weeks

11 Weeks














Klicka på bilderna för att besöka katternas egna sidor.
CH SE*Lisselbacks Beyoncé IC S*Gräddhyllans Spartacus
NFO a 24 NFO n 09 22
On hold

 The Kitten is under evaluation


 Someone has shown interest, but no deposit has been paid


 Someone has paid the deposit


 The Kitten is sold and has moved to the new owner

When you buy a cat from S*Gräddhyllans it´s:

* At least 13-14 weeks

* SVERAK registrated Pedigree

* Vaccinated agaist Catpest and Catflue

* Cat for breeding only to registered breeders

* ID marked with chip

* Veterinary inspected

* Dewormed (if necessary)

*Inspection certificate not older than 7 days (at delivery)


When you buy a cat from S*Gräddhyllans you´ll get a startpackage with food and toys.

Also included is a CD with pictures of kittens from birth to delivery.